Xbox gay pride logo

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Surely it would be easier for them to avoid this by not partnering with a charity like akt rather than face criticism from people. OBTW I am “straight” but have had lots and lots of friend of both sexes who are not and love them for who they are and most definitely not their gender “preference” or “orientation” I hate both those terms because they are who they are through and nothing else (and as for before you ask or accuser you I see a fellow gamer and nothing So Sony decided to make money for a good cause and automatically they are evil. You are trying reinforce the attitude that corporations can’t be gender neutral and Eric’s reply show’s that they are not trying to make money from this promotion. I also don:t post often but like you I am amazed at getting a reply to a I expected a reply from you and am disappointed that you went for the negative attitude rather than the positive.

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